Finding Purpose: My Journey to a Fulfilling Slow-Living Business
If you’ve ever wondered how to find purpose in your work, the solution could be closer than you think. In this post, I share how I found my purpose and turned it into a meaningful, flexible, and successful slow-living business.
Have you ever felt like something was missing in your work—like you were meant for more but couldn’t quite figure out what? I’ve been there, too. For years, I chased traditional success but felt unfulfilled, overwhelmed, and out of alignment with what truly mattered to me.
It wasn’t until I took a step back and began prioritizing my values, passions, and well-being that I discovered my true purpose. That shift led me to create a meaningful, flexible, and fulfilling slow-living business—a journey that changed everything for me.
In this post, I’m sharing the story of how I found my purpose, along with ideas to inspire your own journey of self-discovery. Because sometimes, the purpose you’ve been searching for is closer than you think.
How People-Pleasing Derailed My Early Dreams
When I was in kindergarten, I wanted to be a ballerina. I had taken precisely one class, and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I wanted to perform. Unlike so many of my classmates, it wasn’t the pretty dresses or pink shoes that grabbed my attention. It was being on a stage.
A year later, my answer changed to wanting to be a teacher. My first-grade teacher, Mrs. McCormick, was my idol. She was empathetic and kind yet had high expectations. I adored her and wanted to excel in school to impress her. Seeing her read to us, teach us new things, and encourage our various talents opened up something dormant within me.
I had grown up in a household where my family often teased me for always having my nose in a book, but at school, Mrs. McCormick praised my love for reading and my spelling and vocabulary skills. She taught me I could finally be myself by accepting my strengths.
Yet ironically, the more I threw myself into school over the years, the more my dreams for myself began to waver.
I began to fall into people-pleasing patterns for both teachers and family members. I had an unstable home life and found myself over-exerting to be the perfect student to get the attention and love I so desperately missed at home. I also noticed that traditional career goals like lawyer, doctor, and engineer got more respect and attention than ones like teacher, social worker, or writer.
In the process, I abandoned my dreams of helping others and gravitated toward building a career that I subconsciously thought would bring me love and acceptance.
At the same time, fueled by my unhealthy and emotionally abusive home situation, I wanted to build a career that could make me the most money as quickly as possible. I enrolled as an undergraduate engineering student, got a job as a project engineer at a semiconductor company, and was soon making enough money that I no longer saw the need for school. A few years in, I dropped out of college.
I made great money as a project engineer and was on the fast track for a career in engineering project management, but deep down, I knew I wasn’t happy. After a few significant life changes, including the loss of three close family members and then meeting my future husband, my perspective on life and my career began to change.
Embracing Change: A Turning Point in My Journey
When a major event happens in your life, it can be a fantastic catalyst for change.
In my case, I stopped worrying so much about what others expected of me. I began thinking of my earliest childhood dreams and then wondering how I got so far off track. I used my workplace program to help fund college classes and returned to college, taking classes and doing homework on my lunch break, after work, and on weekends.
Eight years after my initial college enrollment, I graduated with an undergraduate degree—the first person in my family to do so. And I had done it mostly by taking classes that fueled my spirit, like English, writing, women’s studies, environmental studies, and sociology.
In fact, thanks to an innovative career counselor, I had pieced those humanities courses together with earlier credits in math, science, and engineering to earn a B.S. in Liberal Studies degree, a credential to this day I laugh about being about as useful as it sounds.
As part of my senior project, I created the online magazine Empowerment4Women, which I ran for 11 years. I published over 30 issues and worked with dozens of writers, editors, and artists to create a platform that empowered women from all walks of life to tell their stories, share, and learn from one another.
The work was incredibly rewarding (if not particularly profitable). I had found my purpose: to get away from engineering and the pursuit of money and move toward a fulfilling career focusing on writing, publications management, and human rights issues. I felt empowered and fulfilled to shine my light and help others.
But was I right? Was it actually my purpose?
Sort of. It certainly was my purpose at that moment in time, but it wasn’t the whole picture.
As Empowerment4Women evolved and grew, I began freelance writing, editing, and web design, exploring my creative and artistic sides. I felt like I was finally doing work I was meant to be doing… until I hit a dead end and had more than one client tell me they couldn’t hire me because I didn’t have a degree in English.
What? I couldn’t believe it. As the sole member of my family to earn a college degree, I naively thought my undergraduate credentials would open any door I wanted to open. (IKR? 😂) I was both astonished and heartbroken to realize that my ultimate dreams—which at that point revolved around editing—could end.
That is until a new purpose fell into my lap.
When I told my in-laws about the heartbreaking realization that I needed an English degree, my mother-in-law said quite matter-of-factly, “Well, then go get an English degree.”
“What do you mean?” I asked. “I already have a degree.”
She smiled with kindness and understanding, realizing I had no idea what she was saying.
“No, I mean go to graduate school.”
I was floored; the idea had never occurred to me. I barely thought of myself as someone who could get an undergraduate degree, much less apply for graduate school. But with the support of my husband and in-laws, I applied to graduate schools across the country. Much to my surprise, I got into one of the best in the nation: the Professional Communication program at Clemson University.
Now, surely, I had found my purpose. Right?
After all, I got into an esteemed English graduate program with areas of focus in editing. They had graduated many professional editors, writers, academics, and other bigwigs in communication and English. I was on cloud nine to finally pitch to my clients that I had a degree in English and they could hire me now with no problem. I was on my way to finally finding my purpose.
But then another surprise hit, shaking my core purpose yet again.
Discovering My Passion Through Teaching
At the end of the first year of my master’s program, my advisor told me that I would be teaching instead of working only in the lab for my second year. Everyone would be teaching, no exceptions.
Um, excuse me?
I felt barely qualified to attend an undergraduate English class, much less teach one—but there I was, learning that I’d be teaching two classes of first-year English composition. And I only had a few short months to prepare.
I was terrified, much like most of my classmates. Most of us had missed the memo that we’d have to teach during the second year of our program, cleverly thinking we’d all magically land research or lab positions instead. (It turns out we had to do both.)
And so, there I was, at the end of my first year of graduate school, taking a seminar on how to teach English composition. Alongside my seminar classmates, I was creating, brainstorming, and innovating new ways of teaching… and then it hit me like a ton of bricks.
I was supposed to do this; this was my purpose. I knew it before even walking into the classroom on that first day.
I was meant to be a teacher.
And a little voice that sounded exactly like me when I was in first grade spoke up and said, “See? I told you we wanted to be a teacher.”
Now, my purpose has changed a few times since that explosive realization, but the core things I love about teaching have never changed: I love helping others, I love teaching people how to learn new things, and I am never one to shy away from the spotlight, enjoying speaking in front of classes as much as leading discussions and activities.
In short, I love the stage, and I love to teach.
Two things I could have told myself back when I was five and six years old—if only I’d listened.
Uncovering Your True Purpose
Sometimes, finding your purpose takes a long and winding path. Feeling directionless in your career can feel frustrating, hopeless, and confusing—like you’re never on the right path and are constantly searching for what (or who) you’re supposed to be.
Believe me, I get it.
But, if you pay attention to where your journey takes you, you might find it has been with you all along.
Are you ready to start your new future? Learn to improve your self-esteem and identify your professional strengths, expertise, and goals with the Own Your Strengths Starter Kit. It’s the first step toward finding your purpose and creating the business of your dreams.
4 Tips for Finding Purpose in Your Work
If you feel you’re meant to do something more with your life but aren’t sure what it is, it could be that you need to find your purpose. In this blog post, you’ll learn four tips for finding purpose in your work. You can start using them today to help you find your life purpose, so you finally know what you want to do—whether it’s starting a business or redefining what you currently have.
Have you ever had that nagging feeling that you’re meant for something more, but you’re just not sure what it is? You’re not alone. Finding your purpose can feel like a big, daunting question, especially when you’re juggling work, family, and everything else life throws your way.
Your purpose is about more than just what you do—it’s about tapping into what lights you up, what you’re naturally great at, and how you can use those gifts to make a difference. But figuring that out? It’s easier said than done.
I’ve been there, too, wondering where to start and how to make sense of all the possibilities. That’s why I’ve put together four simple tips to help you uncover your purpose and start taking steps toward meaningful and fulfilling work—whether that means starting something new or reinventing what you already have.
Let’s dive in and get you closer to the work (and life) that truly lights you up!
#1 - Don’t Confuse Finding a Purpose with Picking a Niche
Let me start by saying that finding your purpose is not the same as picking a niche for your business. Finding your purpose is a larger, broader concept of knowing your place in the world and what you’re meant to do. Picking a niche, on the other hand, is a marketing strategy for ensuring you have an edge in the marketplace.
So, finding your purpose and picking your niche are very different things—even though they’re often presented hand-in-hand.
Many people start their entrepreneurial journey knowing they want to do something but aren’t sure exactly what it should be. There is pressure associated with picking a direction for your life’s work, as if you have to pick one thing, and it better be the right thing.
Adding to this noise is all the “expert” advice that says before you do anything with your business, you should “pick a niche.” But what does picking a niche even mean?
Often, picking a niche simply means choosing a particular audience you want to serve with a product, service, or business. What the “gurus” are saying is you need to focus on just one area to build your business and sell your talents. To them, finding your purpose is deciding who you want to sell to.
That works for some people, and often it’s great advice. But if you’re like me, focusing just on a niche takes the human element out of finding a purpose for your life and business. It focuses on the what, not the who—and to me, that starts to feel gross when building and marketing your business. I don’t like thinking about my life’s purpose as marketing to a niche. That just feels inauthentic and, well… ew.
Instead of thinking as a marketer, think of yourself as a teacher or mentor. Think about your life’s purpose in the sense of who you want to serve, how you want to help people, and how you can share your knowledge and skills with them—and that may very well cover more than one “niche.” Focusing on the people rather than the bottom line will get you closer to finding your purpose.
Besides, picking a niche before finding your purpose is next to impossible, especially if you are passionate about multiple things. If you have multiple interests or skills, how can you be expected to pick just one thing as your sole purpose in life? It’s not possible. Because picking one thing to focus on feels like ignoring the other sides of you that contribute to what makes you special.
For some people, picking a niche seems easy, but it gets in the way for many people, especially those with multiple interests. It can seem so overwhelming that you end up not picking anything at all. Sometimes, the issue is having too many ideas for your business, and you become completely overwhelmed. Other times, you think you have a good business idea but aren’t sure if it’s the “right” one. You look to others for validation and fall into old patterns of fear, insecurity, or self-sabotage.
In all cases, focusing on the niche first keeps you from finding your purpose. You can’t choose just one thing and expect it to shape the rest of your life. You can’t pick your life’s purpose from a list of ranking marketing keywords. You also can’t turn to others to tell you your purpose. You must find it yourself. You have to find the strength within to trust yourself, make good decisions, and follow your intuition.
Easier said than done, though, right? Those things take time and practice, which we don’t often have as new business owners.
So, how do you find your purpose? How do you know what business is right for you and whether your chosen one is right?
Great question. Let’s break it down.
#2 - Put Yourself First
Aside from my objections above, I don’t necessarily have a problem with picking a niche. I have a problem with how experts often claim it’s the first and only way to business success.
It’s true that picking a niche can work for many people, but if you’re looking for more out of your business than just a paycheck, focusing on a singular niche can leave you feeling hollow. That’s because picking a niche is often focused on keywords, market research, and data analysis that excludes the human impact of your business. These are all necessary when building a business, but if your heart leads you toward finding your purpose, it can’t be the first thing you focus on.
Instead, if you want to find your purpose—the magic that you and only you can bring into the world—you will likely want to focus on more than one thing. You will want to share the many skills and talents that make up the amazing and ever-changing person you are.
So, there’s nothing wrong with picking a niche (I’ve even written another post about it; although I do have some problems with how some experts frame the niche discussion), but if you’re interested in finding your purpose, picking a niche is the wrong place to start. If you want to start a successful, sustainable business, you shouldn’t base it around keywords you find on the internet or the needs of a particular audience. You need to base it on yourself.
Yep, I said it. You need to be selfish and think of yourself first.
You know that adage that says you can’t be a good partner until you learn to love yourself? Well, the same is true for your business. It doesn’t matter how good your keywords are or how well you’ve niched down to a particular audience if your business doesn’t fill you up and fuel your soul. Finding your purpose is about finding what makes your heart sing and sharing it with the world. So, the first step to a successful business is to focus on you.
As you consider this, ask yourself:
What lights you up?
What are you good at?
What do others tend to ask you to help with or ask your advice for?
What do you most love to do?
What skills do you have?
What is your dream job?
What would you be happy doing every single day?
Figure out your strengths, your passions, and your areas of expertise. Then, start building your business ideas around those honest answers rather than a set of keywords you’ve researched online. Follow your heart, and it will lead you to your purpose.
#3 - Look at the Big Picture
Once you start prioritizing what you want from your business, look at the big picture. Similarly to how you want to avoid picking just one niche to start, try not to overthink your life’s purpose as some significant, overarching, singular thing that will have all the answers.
Finding your purpose isn’t about just proclaiming one thing you want to do for the rest of your life. (How boring would that be?) It’s instead about the big picture.
Think about your previous answers about your skills and passions. Then ask yourself:
How do you want to contribute to making the world a better place?
Why do you want to find your purpose?
What impact can you make on the world?
What legacy do you want to leave behind?
Do your answers to any of the above questions lead you to the big answer to the question: What do you want to do with your life? If not, that’s okay. That’s a pretty big question to answer at this stage in the game, but trying to understand the bigger picture is a good idea.
Don’t focus on the details right now. Finding your purpose is more about exploration, discovery, and looking at the big picture to discover what lights you up and gives you a sense of direction.
It may not seem like it initially, but once you start answering these questions about the big picture, your business goals and strategy will fall into place. You’ll already have some of the bigger questions answered, such as why you’re starting your business and where you hope to be ultimately.
Most importantly, your business will be successful. This is because you will have chosen a path that will allow you to work hard even on the things you don’t want to do. After all, you believe in the bigger purpose behind it all.
#4 - Get Comfortable with Change
There often feels like a ton of pressure to find that one thing that will be your life’s purpose. But the complexities of who we are as humans mean we’ll always be changing, evolving, meeting new people, and learning new things, so our ultimate purpose may shift, too. That’s okay.
Get comfortable with the idea of change and know that if you stick with the overall patterns of what fills you up and how you can bring light into the world, you will be on the right track. Even if it’s not the “final” thing you do in this life, it will be the best thing right now, and it will move you closer to where you need to be.
It’s okay to be multi-passionate and want to do many things… and we can. We must shift and adjust our lenses to focus on the right audiences and goals at the right time.
For now, start getting comfortable with the idea of change. Let’s start with the changes you’ve already gone through in your life.
Think back to when you were a kid. What did you want to be when you grew up? For most of us, those things change, but not necessarily a lot from when we were children. What were your childhood dreams for your career? And what are your dreams now? I bet they’ve shifted, but if you zoom out and look at the big picture, what parts of what you wanted to do then also call to you now? What similarities can you find, and is it enough of a theme where you can zoom out and see the strengths, skills, and talents you’re meant to share with the world?
Specific career paths may change, as does everything in life. But in my experience, the core foundations of who we are and what we are meant to be rarely shift drastically.
I have been a student, engineer, writer, editor, publication manager, graphic designer, teacher, professor, corporate executive, and business coach… and who knows what I will be in the future? But those things don’t define me; my purpose does. And my purpose is to help people, teach people, and use my voice to amplify the power of others. Whether I am writing, teaching, or coaching, I use my purpose as a foundation for all that I do. How and what you do may shift and change. But once you find your purpose, the rest makes sense.
Because my purpose isn’t my job title; my purpose is how I bring light into the world.
With that in mind, the first step to finding your purpose is searching your life for patterns you may not have initially recognized. What fuels your fire? What fills you up? What burns you out or wears you down?
As an example, I’ve noticed the following patterns in every career I’ve ever had:
I enjoy mentoring, teaching, and encouraging others to be the best versions of themselves.
I love research (especially if I can share that research with others), problem-solving, writing, and design. Those activities fill me up, and I could do them for days.
I have natural strengths of leadership, strategic thinking, and empathy.
I speak up for underdogs and get fired up by issues of justice vs. injustice and standing up for what is right.
I value authenticity, trust, communication, empathy, and honesty.
I get burned out by negative energy and unnecessary conflicts.
I get overwhelmed by (and now avoid) narcissistic, disingenuous, and egotistical personalities, as they trigger unhealthy patterns from my childhood.
My purpose is to stand up, speak up, and teach. My purpose is to help others discover their strengths, learn new things, stand up for themselves, leave toxic work relationships, and build businesses that give them the slow-living lifestyles they deserve. I have created a career that speaks to each bullet point above, allowing me to follow my intuition and get the closest to my true soul’s path.
If you were to write a similar list of all the similarities you’ve had over your careers and experiences, what would that look like for you?
Final Thoughts
I won’t sugarcoat it for you. Starting a business is hard. But it’s a lot easier when you know your purpose.
Once you can nail down the answers to what you’re good at and why you want to do it, once you learn to put yourself first and get comfortable with change, you can choose a business direction and life’s purpose without putting so much pressure on yourself. You realize that your life’s purpose can and will change while you do as a person. It’s okay if your purpose in life shifts as your priorities and circumstances shift, too.
The idea is that you stay true to the person deep inside of you, your main goals and aspirations, which I truly believe don’t change too much from who we are at our core. What you do as a job may shift and change, but your true purpose has always been there and is ready to come out and shine whenever you’re ready.
So, what is your purpose?
What would happen if you gave yourself time to review the above questions and write down your answers? How much closer could you get to finding your purpose? And how good would it feel to finally have that breakthrough?
If you’ve made it this far in this post, I bet you’re ready to step up. I challenge you to put it all down on paper. Let yourself think about your purpose. Consider the questions in this blog post and sit with your answers without judgment. Then consider what your life will be like once you finally find your purpose and start bringing your gifts into the world.
When you’re ready, let me know because I can hardly wait to see what you decide to share with all of us.
Because knowing your purpose also means attracting the right people to you: clients, customers, mentors, and supporters. It’s amazing what kind of magic happens once you discover your soul’s path and the others there to join, support, and encourage you along the way.
And that’s what I’m here for!
If you’re overwhelmed and unsure where to start finding your purpose, I’m here to help. Sign up for my Own Your Strengths Starter Kit when you’re ready to dive in and nail down the specific strengths, talents, and skills you can bring into the world. Reach out to me with any questions, or leave a comment below.
Your purpose is waiting!
Embracing a Slow-Living Business: My Journey to Finding My “Why”
Sometimes, you start a business because you need a change. Other times, you start a business because you have no other option. In this blog post, I share how I started my slow-living business journey and discovered my purpose, so I am now the happiest I’ve ever been in my career.
Sometimes, you start a business because you’re craving change. Other times, it’s because you’re left with no other option. For me, the most recent chapter of my entrepreneurial journey began when my health and lifestyle demanded something different—something slower, more intentional, and aligned with what truly mattered.
This shift toward a slow-living business didn’t just transform how I work—it helped me rediscover my purpose. Through this journey, I’ve gained clarity on my priorities, my values, and what makes me happiest in both my career and my life.
In this post, I’m sharing my story: how I embraced slow living, built a business that supports my well-being, and found the “why” that keeps me moving forward. If you’re ready to uncover your own purpose and design a life you love, keep reading—and let me know how I can support you on your journey.
Discovering My “Why”
When preparing to leave my corporate executive job in 2019, I ran across Simon Sinek's workbook Find Your Why.* To say it was life-changing would be an understatement.
In it, Sinek encourages corporate leaders to build a sense of “why” with their teams, which can help bring drive and purpose to their work. When I read it, though, I thought not just of my team but of my situation. I hated to admit it, but I was miserable in my job. I was completely burned out from working 60+ hours a week, never seeing my family, and berated with abuse from an absolutely toxic work environment.
It was time for a reckoning. It was time to figure out and embrace my "why."
I realized that while I was earning a large salary, buying my dream home, and climbing the corporate ladder (the American dream, right?!), it was at the expense of what mattered most to me: my mental health, my physical health, and time with my family. I originally thought that by bringing in more money and success, I was providing for my family, but the reality was I was missing out on spending time with them, particularly with my son, who was six at the time.
So, I got the courage to quit my corporate job and form my own educational consulting business. I was so proud to do something for me and my family finally. But I was also terrified of what this would mean for us financially and otherwise. I had to take a leap and take a chance on myself. I had to do it for my “why.”
Of course, life always throws us curveballs, and I was hit with a particularly brutal one.
It turns out I was also literally killing myself at that toxic job by burning the candle at both ends and not paying attention to my physical or mental health. Two weeks after my final day on the job (coincidentally, on the very day when I got my first call for a new client), I ended up in the ICU with a rare form of non-Hodgkins lymphoma that nearly ended my life.
Talk about a reckoning.
And that wasn’t all. Who could ever predict that after two weeks in the hospital, while finishing radiation and preparing to undergo chemotherapy treatments, COVID-19 would hit? There I was, fighting for my life while the world went into lockdown.
Suddenly, hospitals restricted access, and patients couldn’t have their loved ones with them for appointments. I went into treatments scared and alone, terrified that even if I could beat cancer, my immune system was shot, and I was at high risk for COVID.
Throughout the initial COVID scare, I wanted to just hole up in my house like the rest of the world, but I didn’t have the luxury of staying in lockdown; I had to leave my house to get my chemo infusions.
I remember another patient during that time yelling across the room to me, through masks and social distancing, while we had poisonous chemicals pumping through our veins, “I’ll be damned if I beat cancer just to have COVID take me out.” I yelled back, “No shit, right?”
Getting to chemo treatments was also a physical challenge I wasn’t fully prepared for. I’ve had a rare form of muscular dystrophy for more than 35 years, which got exacerbated during my time in the hospital, making it hard for me to walk unassisted. Complicating things even further, the lymphoma had collapsed one of my lungs and halfway collapsed the other, so I pulled around an oxygen tank for a while and had lasting lung damage that made COVID a higher risk than usual. It was surreal.
That’s just a long story to say that my big consulting business plans got put on hold.
The good news is that my cancer is now in remission, and I spent my time during post-treatment recovery working on new businesses and ventures that I could do within my limited physical and mental capacity.
Now, if I ever get overwhelmed with my workload, fall into old patterns of over-achieving and over-working, or recognize signs of impending burnout, I remember my “why,” and it gets me back on track.
Creating a Slow-Living Business
During the long months of cancer treatments, I needed something to do and had plenty of time to learn new things. I had brain fog from my treatments, though, so I had to find something that I could do on my own time and in my own way. I started slowly, then began building as I felt more capable of doing new things. And boy, did I do a lot of new things!
I taught myself how to day trade. I wrote and published a book. I started a print-on-demand business. I opened an Etsy shop with digital printables. I made low-content books and sold them on Amazon. I started a website where I could sell my products online. I learned about digital marketing and social media marketing and dCommerce and eCommerce… and all the associated buzzwords. I took classes and watched YouTube videos and joined communities and networked and learned from mentors and read as many books as I could get my hands on.
And I did all that because I knew exactly my “why.”
My "why" is my health. Without it, I can’t spend time with my family or participate in all the activities I love. Everything I do (which includes self-care and healthy living) is all for my family, so I can spend more time with them, provide for them, and travel with them. I want to live a long, happy, and healthy life—and spend it with my family.
I would never get that by working a 60+ hours a week job that left me feeling like a shell of myself. I had to make a change—and I’m so proud I did!
Now, I have a career that lets me earn money, take whatever time I want or need for my body and personal goals, leverage my unique skills and credentials, and (here’s the best part) help other people. One major thing I’ve missed since leaving my corporate leadership job (and, before that, my academic professor position) was mentoring and helping others. My coaching business helps me do that. It’s become another part of my “why.”
Another “why” for me is the freedom I get from being my own boss. I will never ever ever ever (did I say, ever?) again work for someone else. One of my favorite parts about having a slow-living business is I get to set my own goals and strategies however it works for me. I’m an achiever, so I have set up systems that help me be productive and hit my goals while working just a few hours a day. It doesn’t get any better than this.
As a lifelong learner, I get to light myself up from the inside out, learning new things and tackling new challenges every day—but it’s for me, not for anyone else. This is the first time in my life that I’ve done something just for myself, and I can barely put into words how good that feels. I hope you get to feel that, too. Truly.
Are You Ready To Start a Slow-Living Business?
I hope at least one person can learn from my story that it’s important that you value yourself, your health, and your priorities. Life is too short to work in a job that tears you down and destroys your self-worth, mental health, and physical health. A slow-living business can help you put your goals first without working for anyone else or on anyone else’s schedule.
Consider this your permission to say no to toxic workplace environments and do something for yourself for once.
Maybe this is your time for an awakening. Are you ready to make a change?
What is your “why”?
"Why do you do what you do?
Why do you get out of bed in the morning?
And why should anyone care?
It is one of life's greatest joys to wake up in the morning
Every morning
with a clear sense of why the day matters
Why every day matters.
This is what it means to find your Why.
It's the start of an inspiring journey
Your inspiring journey."
—Simon Sinek, Find Your Why
*Find Your Why is the companion workbook to Simon Sinek’s book Start With Why, but for whatever reason, I skipped the book and headed straight to the workbook and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Looking to start your slow-living business journey? Download your FREE copy of my guide, 40+ Business Ideas for Slow-Living Entrepreneurs, and get started today!